What Do We Register For?! 5 Things Your Kitchen Needs

We have all watched the movies where the couples are running around department stores, scanning every item in sight to add to their registry. BUT, the reality is, most of those items are really not needed, and more of a want  (Yes, we know, you want that Kate Spade dish set because we want it too!) So today we have broken down some must-have's to add to your registry for your kitchen, whether this is for your first home together after the wedding, or to add to your collection in your home you share together already.

And Here They Are...

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Crock Pot

The perfect addition to your home for those busy days! When you don't have much time to meal prep, we love throwing all of our favourites into the Crock Pot, and coming home to the wonderful aroma of freshly cooked stew, soup or even chicken! So many options with this one. 

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Food Processor

So many recipes these days ask for you to chop but who really has time for that!? Thank you Food Processor for coming to the rescue on so many occasions. One of our favourites is the 7-Cup Food Processor from KitchenAid.

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Coffee Maker

Now, we know there are plenty of coffee drinkers out there - some prefer fancier machines, and we are totally for that. However, it is always nice to have a basic coffee machine on hand, even for when you have guests over. This Cusinart 2 in 1 Hot Beverage Centre also boils tea water - which is great for all the hot beverage drinkers in the household. Plus, it is pretty affordable!

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This one is certainly at a higher price point than the other items on this list, but we truly believe this invest will be well worth it! The Vitamix 2300 is the one we are drawn to, but there are newer versions with more attachments etc. Great for smoothies, soups, salad dressings and juices this product cannot be beat!

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Hand Mixer

Whether you are an avid baker or not, we highly recommend having the Cuisinart 7-Speed Hand Mixer on hand at all times! You never know when your BFF will pop by and expect some homemade cupcakes!